Indian police also opened an investigation last week into a protest at its High Commission in London, where protesters with “Khalistan” banners took an Indian flag down from a first-floor balcony of the High Commission to denounce recent police action in India’s Punjab state. India summoned the top British diplomat in New Delhi last Sunday seeking an explanation.
Khalistan is the name of an independent Sikh homeland that some members of that community aspire to, both at home in India and in countries where Sikhs have settled.
Khalistan is the name of an independent Sikh homeland that some members of that community aspire to, both at home in India and in countries where Sikhs have settled.
Ten aircraft capable of carrying the armaments - which are designed for use on the battlefield, rather than to wipe out cities - have reportedly already been moved there.
It is the first time since the mid-1990s that Russia has based such weaponry outside the country. But a senior US administration official told the Reuters news agency there are no signs Moscow plans to use the weapons.
It is the first time since the mid-1990s that Russia has based such weaponry outside the country. But a senior US administration official told the Reuters news agency there are no signs Moscow plans to use the weapons.
Iraq stopped 450,000 barrels per day of crude exports from the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region and northern Kirkuk fields on Saturday, an oil official told Reuters, after the country won a long-standing arbitration case against Turkey.
In a case dating from 2014, Baghdad claimed that Turkey breached a joint agreement by allowing the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to export oil through a pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan. Baghdad considers such KRG exports as illegal.
In a case dating from 2014, Baghdad claimed that Turkey breached a joint agreement by allowing the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to export oil through a pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan. Baghdad considers such KRG exports as illegal.
Lebanon woke up in two time zones on Sunday amid an escalating dispute between political and religious authorities over a decision to extend winter time for a month, Reuters reports.
More than a year after the military took power in a coup, the military and its former civilian partners and other political forces have agreed on a framework to form a new transitional government and write a new constituation to be announced next month.
Dissent from the premier's own party and cabinet has compounded months of unprecedented mass protests by Israelis who fear the package of reforms could endanger court independence.
Netanyahu, who is on trial on graft charges that he denies, says the overhaul will balance out the branches of government.
Netanyahu, who is on trial on graft charges that he denies, says the overhaul will balance out the branches of government.
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